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Home / HIV/AIDS and Persons With Disability

HIV/AIDS funding

The objective of our involvement in this fund is to provide a link to organizations that help prevent the spread of HIV and to provide direct care and assistance to those affected by the virus. We remain committed to supporting services that help people living with or at risk of HIV/AIDS live longer and healthier lives by supporting:

  • Food and nutrition services
  • Housing programs
  • Syringe exchange/access programs and harm reduction programs

Persons with disabilities funding

We are in collaboration with organizations that supports persons with disabilities around the world to build diverse movements, ensure inclusive development agendas, and achieve equal rights and opportunity for all. We provide advocacy and technical assistance, AGF also supports Disabled Persons’ Organizations (DPOs)to use global rights and development frameworks, such as the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – ensuring no one is left behind. AGF also engages global partners that support any other activities related making life easier of PwDs.