Key Board Members
Ida Adaline- Board Global Chairperson
Ida Adaline was trained as an economist in the UK and served as Executive Director of the Austrian Council for International Affairs from 1997–2005 in Austria. She served as Associate Director of the Quaker United Nations Office in New York (2005–2009), where she worked with delegates, UN staff and NGOs on issues of economic and social justice, women, peace and human rights. Ida served as Deputy Coordinator of the UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS) through the period of the UN global conferences and until 2011. From 2011–2013 she worked as Chief of Strategic Partnerships and Communications for the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM).
Her recent experiences have included being a member of the President of UN General Assembly CSO taskforce for MDG 2015 Summit, the Coordinating Committee of Social Watch and the Civil Society Reflection Group on Global Development Perspectives.
During her career she has worked as a consultant to UNICEF, served on the board of directors for the Canadian Council for International Cooperation (CCIC) and has undertaken development work in Latin America, including on housing and settlement projects in Uruguay.
Bufford Miller – Policy and Advocacy Manager
Bufford Miller is Policy and Advocacy Manager overseeing a network of 47 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) from 19 European countries working on issues related to debt, development finance and poverty reduction.Bufford joined Avvy Global Fund (AGF) as Policy and Advocacy Officer. He is now leading AGF’s work on poverty alleviation, financial governance, and responsible financing. This involves research and advocacy, coordinating members and liaising with partners. Before he took over this portfolio, he was in charge of UNDV’s work on aid and governance for several years, leading among others the campaigns on the OECD aid effectiveness process and the UN Development Cooperation Forum. Before Bufford joined AGF, he was the Policy Officer of “Deine Stimme gegen Armut”, the German branch of the Global Call to Action against Poverty campaign which is hosted by the national NGO platform VENRO. He also worked as an independent advisor for different civil society organizations such as Concord, VENRO, Global Policy Forum Europe, WEED, and for the UN Millennium Campaign. Bufford has studied political science and development economics at Free University Berlin.
Dean Ellsworth – President of Finance & Administration
Dean Ellsworth has been with AGF since 2015, managing infrastructure systems such as finance and accounting, human resources, information technology, and administrative support. Dean has spent his career with comparable responsibilities in not-for-profit organizations in a wide variety of fields: neighbourhood-based community development, community mental health, international student and faculty exchange, education, and other services for children and adults with learning disabilities. Dean grew up overseas in a Foreign Service family and has spent most of his adult life in the Washington, D.C. area. He has an MBA from Stanford University.
Eustace Fernandez – Member in Charge of African Affairs
Eustace Fernandez also serves as the CEO at Avvy Group Limited and having lived most of his life traversing Kenya and Belgium, he has great experience in affairs affecting both developed and developing countries. He is one of the visionaries behind AGF involvement in Africa together with a group of dedicated staff. He is a well-known researcher and has contributed to numerous Indexed international technology and medical journals