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Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

AGF believes that access to clean drinking water, sanitation and improved hygiene is one of the core requirements to support the sustainable development of a community. Without access to these basic resources people can spend a huge amount of time every day collecting water, whilst water-borne diseases will remain prevalent. This can significantly restrict an individual’s ability to gain an education or contribute towards household income-generation. This has a particularly damaging impact on women and girls because of their traditional household role in many cultures.

AGF believes that safe sanitation and good hygiene is of equal importance to access to a clean water source. We are keen to support programmes which take an integrated approach to addressing access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene.

We recognise that there is a need for improved water, sanitation and hygiene in institutions, as well as in communities. Where projects are working in school environments, they should consider the needs of girls and women, and specifically seek to address menstrual hygiene management as part of any project. In a school setting this should include appropriate latrine facilities for girls and female teachers, as well as increasing students’ understanding about menstruation and their access to sanitary products.

Our involvement in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene activities is to make sure that all institutions, governments and organizations in this crucial area of the MDG are able to link up with the best funding organizations.