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Home / Women and Gender Development

Women and Gender Development

Advancing women’s rights has a clear economic payoff, and the benefits accrue across the sustainable development goals. Research shows, for example, that reducing barriers to women’s economic participation decreases poverty and increases gross domestic product.

Promoting gender equality also enhances food security: equalizing women’s access to productive resources increases agricultural output and could reduce the number of hungry people in the world by 150 million. In addition, improving women’s health has demonstrable economic effects. Access to family planning, for instance, contributes to a “demographic dividend” that fuels economic growth. Increased female educational attainment not only raises household income, but also lowers health expenses and rates of infant and child mortality. Furthermore, preventing violence against women reduces health and economic costs.

Our endeavour as AGF is to make sure that we link and negotiate with our network of organizations responsible for Women and Gender Development.